If you tasted a new Italian wine each week, it would take you 20 years to taste your way through Italy. Thus, why not use an Italian wine map to unlock this never-ending adventure?
Polyphenols have remarkable antioxidant properties, anti-carcinogenic properties, and antimicrobial properties. Still, though, some of us need to avoid them. Why? They will soon have their answer when a panel of wine sector experts assess wines made from the rootstocks under formal conditions at the University of Melbourne – ultimately determining their long-term winemaking prospects.
Grapevines were also planted on their own roots as a control.
Jone Mark
Where Did Wine Come From?
The ancient Egyptians drank wine. Back then, wine was consumed by high society and beer was the commoner’s drink. The Egyptians got their inspiration from the Levant (modern day Israel, Lebanon, etc) who’d been making wine since 4000 BC. One ancient wine cellar was found in Armenia inside a cave on the side of a hill.

You’re a Supertaster
About 25% of the population has a heightened sensitivity to bitterness and this group is referred to as “supertasters.” If you dislike bitter beers, kale, black coffee, and radicchio, you might fall into this category. Not all tannin is bitter, but the tannin found in the stems and seeds of grapes usually is.

Many producers want to include such codes on their bottles, but struggle to maintain links or keep the information at the end of the rainbow up to date. Leveraging the power of the Global Wine Database, winemakers can dynamically generate wine information cards with scannable QR codes that lead to vetted wine information.